
School Year Just About to Start...Commit To Something New

On Tuesday, we will be starting our seventh year as a bulldog!  Seems just like yesterday we were opening up the doors for the first time to our high school students in Bedford.  Over the course of those years, I am just amazed at how much has changed technologically speaking at BHS.  Seven years ago, we were not:

  • teaching our own hybrid/online courses
  • interacting with our students through social media
  • using Google Apps for Education as a means of collaborating
...and that is just to name a few.  If we did not have staff who were willing to step outside of their comfortable limits to try these new ideas out, we would not be where we are today as a bulldog community.  We are very fortunate!  

Last week, during my tech training with the BHS staff, I showed the video of a girl who was learning how to ski jump for the first time.  Over the course of a minute and a half, you could gain a sense of uncertainty, and nervousness.  However, this girl wanted to push herself.  In the end, she had a blast, and was glad that she challenged herself.  

I showed this video because I wanted the BHS staff to do the same, regarding using some sort of new technological tool in their classroom this year.  I wanted them to commit to something.  So, I encouraged the staff to use a website called 'futureme.org'.  Basically, this website allows you to write yourself a letter in the future.  You compose the letter and then choose the date you want to receive it.  I thought that this would be a great way for a staff member to have a letter sent to them after the first quarter to see if they have met their goal, and if not, it would be a friendly reminder to challenge themselves.

I encourage all of you to challenge yourself to implement a new technological tool in your classroom.  No idea is too small.

** As a side note, I can see Advisors asking their advisory students to use futureme.org.  Students could write themselves a letter their freshmen year and request to receive it a week before they graduate from high school.  Great idea for students to see if they have accomplished what they hoped to, without burring a time capsule.  

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